© V.K.Ilyin
© Государственный музей истории космонавтики им. К.Э. Циолковского, г. Калуга
Секция "К.Э. Циолковский и проблемы космической медицины и биологии"
2008 г.
Nowadays the program of investigations with non-vertebratae is completed for automatic biosatellite Bion-M1 30-day flight. It consists of several parts:
A. Experiments inside space apparatus
Experiment «Centrosome» — devoted to evaluation of the role centrosome and cytoskeleton in cell cytoplasm organization while adaptation to weightlessness using cell culture of frog Xenopus laevis «Biosensor» — Investigations of specially activated eggs of crawfish Artemia salina: redistribution of microelements, time of spine-spine relaxation of protons, free radicals concentration, velocity of development of crawfish. Experiment «Gravisensor» is targeted to investigations of the mechanism of special growth reaction of high plants (moss Physcomitrella patens) in spaceflight. «Phytoproteomics» — investigations of protein profile of high plants of high plants (moss Physcomitrella patens) in spaceflights using proteomics method. «Phytogenomics» — investigation of genome expression of high plants Arabidopsis thaliana (DNA-microarray) in spaceflight. «Micology» — investigation of structural and functional capacities of pure fungal culture and spore mass of Pleurotus ostreatus, and strata of fungal symbionts Peltigera aphthosa and Hypogymnia physodes in spaceflight. «Biofrost» — investigation of spaceflight factors influence on microbial complex excreted from eternally frozen soil. «Bdellovibrio» — investigations of aggressive bacteria Bdellovibrio in suspension immobilized state and in lyophilized state. «Microbe» — investigation of different microbes exposed to space flight: fungi Penicillium Sp., Aspergillus Sp., bacteria Bacillus sp., E.coli, Clostridium termocellum, yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, «Plasmid» — investigation of bacterial genome stability and recombinations in spaceflight (Streptomyces spp.) «Bioutilisation» — investigations of spaceflight factors on bacterial decomposition of organic matter. «Lizard» — morphological and biochemical analysis of amniots (gekko Pachydactylus turnery in weightlessness.
B. Experiments with exposure in outer surface of spacecraft
Experiment «Epilit» — investigations of seeds of pine Pinus sylvestris lapponica, spores of Boletus edulis in open space. «Exomicology» — Investigation of spaceflight activity on pure fungal culture and spore mass of Pleurotus ostreatus and fungal symbionts Peltigera aphthosa and Hypogymnia physodes (surface control to Experiment Micology (see above). «Meteorite» — evaluation of microbial consortium content and features during passage of mineral samples through dense layers of atmosphere. «Exobiofrost» — Surface control to experiment Biofrost (see above). «Abiogenesis» — Investigations of open-space factors on abiogenic synthesis of peptides and nucleotides in dry films.
C. Experiments with gerbils
Investigation of effectiveness of probiotic assumption on infection resistance of mammals in spaceflight.
The experiments with non-vertebratae will be performed in thermostatic containers Biocont and opened containers on the outer surface of the biosatellite.