© V.Ilyin, M.Mergeay, I.Simeonov, D.Denchev, P.Angelov
© Государственный музей истории космонавтики им. К.Э. Циолковского, г. Калуга
Секция "К.Э. Циолковский и проблемы космической медицины и биологии"
2008 г.
Abstract: The paper deals with an ESA international project concerning possibilities of anaerobic biotransformation of cellulose-containing substrate by cellulolytic and methanogenic bactgeria and, and to evaluate the metabolites and their energy value in spaceflight conditions (ISS).
Future piloted Martian mission must respect planetary quarantine rules, which suggest restriction of terrestrial-born microbial communities spreading to other planets. Meanwhile, human wastes, to be accumulated during such long-term (about 500 days) space mission, are significant carriers of human microbial communities, which can multiply and cause certain epidemiological and ecological problems. The main kinds of wastes, which accumulate in largest quantities in piloted spaceships, are sanitary and hygienic means, that are used every day by crew members (application of shower is rather restricted).
The main goal of this project is to develop anaerobic technology and bioreactor for experimental purposes. The experiments are divided onto 3 stages: The purpose of the first stage is to evaluate whether the cellulolytic and methanogenic bactgeria and associations are stable in spaceflight conditions. The purpose of the second stage is to evaluate the behaviour of the tested bacteria and associations in simulated gravity conditions (clinostat). The purpose of the third stage is to perform experiment with anaerobic bioreactor in spaceflight conditions. This space experiment will be consisted on 2 phases. On the 1st phase there will be investigated possibility to obtain soluble oligosaccharides while biotransformation of the cellulose in space conditions. On the 2nd phase there will be investigated possibility to degrade soluble oligosaccharides with microbial consortium.