© LiuZhong-qi, FanYu-bo, ZhouQian-xiang
© Государственный музей истории космонавтики им. К.Э. Циолковского, г. Калуга
Секция "К.Э. Циолковский и проблемы космической медицины и биологии"
2010 г.
Objectives: The present study examined the effects of 32 h of SD(sleep deprivation) on eye movement behavior in flight simulation.
Methods: Four subject who were skilled in flight simulator participated the experiment of 32 h sleep deprivation. They were asked to perform a final landing task in a flight simulator which prototype was a military aircraft. Eye movement data and flight performance data were measured at the following hours: 11:00 in the first day of SD, 15:00 in the first day of SD, 04:00 in the second day of SD, 11:00 in the second day of SD, 15:00 in the second day of SD. The subjects workload and fatigue were assessed with method of NASA-TLX(National aeronautics and space administration-task load index) and RPE(Rating of perceived exertion).
Results: Eye movement indices of average pupil area , average saccade amplitude and average saccade velocity decreased during the 32 h SD and they all showed significantly change in the final SD while the index of average fixation time increased in the final SD. Flight performance deteriorated during the 32 h SD, but not significantly. The feeling of fatigue and workload reported by subjects both increased during the 32 h SD. Daily rhythm effects on the measured indices were also found, there were a obviously change at the hour of 04:00.
Conclusion: 32 h of SD has a obvious effects on eye movement behaviors. There are four eye movement indices change more significantly during 32 h SD which they are average pupil area, average saccade amplitude, average saccade velocity and average fixation time. The change of the four eye movement indices has a relation to fatigue because of SD. The eye movement measurement can served as a tool to continually monitor fatigue online.